You’re not you when you're hurting and the same is true for your dog! Pain places both discomfort and emotional stress on our dogs and can make them out of balance both psychologically and physiologically. Pain can be acute or chronic and knowing the difference can really affect the way you go about addressing the situation. Recognizing pain is an important first step! So how do we recognize pain in an animal that has thousands of years of survival instinct screaming at it to pretend like nothing is wrong? What Research is Saying about Pain and BehaviourPain which is sudden onset and short term is referred to as acute pain is considered adaptative – meaning that it makes our dog aware they’re injured or ill and that they should slow down to prevent damage and protect their body. Pain which is on-going and long term (> 3 months) is known as chronic pain and is maladaptive, placing prolong stress on the dog’s body and psyche. Prolong stress causes the dog’s body to maintain high levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) which can lead to detrimental effects to the immune and digestive system, delays healing, and can cause sleep deprivation. Chronic pain in particular can cause unseen changes in the central nervous system (CNS) that can lead to magnification of pain perception (Hellyer et al., 2007). There was recently a study from the Animal Behaviour Clinic at the University of Lincoln which examined noise sensitivities in dogs. The study suggests that pain can be a factor in the development of new noise sensitivity, especially in older dogs. The researcher hypothesized that that dogs who startled to loud sounds may exacerbate pain by tensing muscles or moving suddenly (Lopes Fagundes et al., 2018). This created an association of loud noises with pain and could further develop fear of loud noises. Behavioural Signs of Pain
The Body Language of PainPain body language can be pretty subtle. In this picture staff dog Brisingr was suffering some breathing distress. As a result of the pain he hunched his back, and rested his weight into the rear end. He also avoided physical contact to his back. His ears were drawn back and he was standing stiffly.
How Conditioning and Rehab Can Help!I had a client contact me about her dog Max who had recently bitten someone that had reached out to pet him during one of his walks. This was new and concerning behaviour for an otherwise happy and friendly dog. Max's mom sought out the help of an animal behaviourist but it was also suggested she get him seen by a canine PT to assess for pain and discomfort. Speaking with Max's mom I learned that he had suffered a traumatic accident that resulted in his front leg being amputated. For dogs with this type of chronic condition it's not uncommon to see great compensation in the back. Max is a big dog - a lean 85 lbs, so I knew that any compensation he had it was carrying a lot of weight! Speaking with his owner I also learned that he was showing greater reluctance to go on his walks and that he was becoming more sluggish. After an initial assessment I could tell that Max's back was causing him pain and that his walks were perhaps too much for him to handle. I started to see Max regularly and in a very short time he was back to enjoying his (shorter) walks and hadn't had another incidence of aggression since. When dealing with a chronic case it's always important to have regular assessments to make sure there is no new overuse issue occurring! If your dog is showing signs of behaviour change or increased noise sensitivity it may be time to be seen by a vet or get your asses by a canine PT. Regular assessment by a canine PT of your dog’s body can help alert you to potential areas of pain and help prevent further damage to the body. If your dog has a chronic condition it’s vital that you continue to monitor and get regular assessments for pain as research shows chronic pain places a lot of stress on the body. You can prevent the development of problematic conditions simply by starting a tailored conditioning program from your dog that addresses areas of weakness that could result in an injury. Remember as well, the importance of warming up and cooling down you dog before and after strenuous activity to prevent injury. As always, I’m more than happy to discuss particular concerns you may have for your dog and am always here to help! SourcesHellyer, P., Rodan, I., Brunt, J., Downing, R., Hagedorn, J.E.,Robertson, S.A., 2007. AAHA/AAFP pain management guidelines for dogs & cats. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 43, 235-248.
Fagundes, Ana Luisa Lopes et al. “Noise Sensitivities in Dogs: An Exploration of Signs in Dogs with and Without Musculoskeletal Pain Using Qualitative Content Analysis.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science 5 (2018): 17. Web.
11/23/2020 08:12:26 am
One night, my friend's beagle suddenly stopped being active, and it also refuses to interact with him. After reading this article, I realized that this is a sign that they're in pain, along with a lack of appetite. I should suggest that he take the dog to a pet hospital for diagnosis.
12/29/2020 05:30:51 pm
I have a working livestock guardian dog who is now six, and has been a truly wonderful animal in every respect. Two months ago, one of our sheep had its front legs skinned. All our dogs had blood on them, and the sheep had gotten out of its pen, so we felt this must just be because the animal got out and the dogs were too rough in their attempts to put the sheep back. But then another one got a skinned leg, and we narrowed down the culprit to my six year old male. Last night he got in with the sheep and attacked three, leaving them injured, and ate the hind leg off a fourth. I am completely at a loss, and feel like my only option is to put him down. But he has been a magnificent dog all this time ... I don’t understand. Any suggestions would be helpful.
9/2/2021 03:07:09 pm
It's good to know that something might be wrong if your dog is suddenly showing aggression. My sister was telling me yesterday afternoon about how her dog recently started showing signs of aggression out of nowhere, and she was wondering if that meant that something is wrong. I'll make sure to pass this information along to her so that she can look into taking her dog to see a vet.
8/14/2022 11:30:18 pm
You really caught my attention when you stated that injuries and pain can be displayed by dogs by behavioral changes. Lately, no matter what I do, my dog doesn't want to do anything involving physical activity at all and it's quite different from how it usually is. After reading your article and seeing what it can be caused by, I'll ask for some help from a local veterinarian immediately.
2/25/2023 03:07:59 am
Cat trees are a great place for your cat to release frustration and energy, and they can scratch as much or as little as they like whenever they feel like it.
Marnie and Domino
9/22/2023 04:24:50 am
My pup's behavior has completely changed! Recently within the last week, maybe two weeks tops?! I am freaking out! I've been feeling like something is off because the aggression, but then a few hours ago, he looked right at me and peed on the carpet. Very unlike him! He's been super clingy and whiny... also unlike him! I an worried to say the least.. I will most likely be taking him to see a local vet.. it just sucks because we don't have much money right now, just went through a tough life situation and moved states. Ugh. He's my best friend. He has saved my life many times... now it's my turn to help him. Even if I have to take out a loan or something I will. Any suggestions, I'm all ears. Thanks so much for this.
12/16/2024 06:29:59 pm
Are you looking to tone and shape your lower body by reducing butt fat? You’re in the right place! In this video, we’ll guide you through effective exercises that target your glutes, hips, and thighs. These exercises are simple yet powerful for achieving a lean and toned lower body.
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December 2024