When I first started out in canine conditioning, I made a lot of mistakes! I made even more when I started circuit training! I had a bunch of questions – how many reps should I be doing in a session, what’s the best equipment to use, how do I structure the circuit, how do I know when my dog is tired and more!! When first starting out with a new exercise it’s not uncommon to have uncertainty and questions. Making mistakes are to be expected as we learn. Remember that a mistake is only a failure if we refuse to learn from it!
I recently launched a new edition to my popular Do More From Home circuit series so I thought I would take some time this week to review some of the most common circuit mistakes I made when first starting out.
The start of a new year is our chance to wipe the slate clean and reassess our goals for the coming year. How many of you each year find yourselves saying, “This year I will go to the gym more,” or” train more,” or even “lose five pounds,” only for February to roll around and that goal is already given up on? I know that I followed this cycle for a number of years, telling myself I’d go to the gym more; patting myself on the back for getting that gym membership, but then actually getting to the gym only a couple times before giving it up.
Something had to change. As a physiotherapist, I was more than capable of creating my own fitness program but having those skills wasn’t enough to keep me motivated. I knew I wasn’t able to achieve my goals on my own and that’s okay! So, I hired a coach and suddenly I wasn’t just attending the gym but LOOKING forward to it! It was a huge shift in motivation! Staying on track to our conditioning and training goals can be a difficult task. It's not enough to just say to ourselves, "I will work on these exercises," or "I want to reach this goal." We have to actively pursue and dedicate ourselves to the hard work of achieving our goals. To do this we need to work on building our internal motivation and find ways to keep ourselves accountable - simply wanting something isn't enough to see us through to the end. Our motivations can fluctuate due to both internal and external pressures so cultivating a mindset and developing habits that help us achieve our goals is a must! In this week’s blog we’ll take a look at how to best set ourselves up for success and make our training goals achievable in the new year. |
AuthorCarolyn McIntyre Archives
December 2024